
Showing posts with the label gaming

Why are some people advertising​ fake Clash of Clan hacks?

To Earn money from users T he site asked me to fill in a Survey to download the  hack , but there was no file.” “I downloaded the  hack , but it turned out that it was a virus that recorded my login and password.” “I god scammed really bad by one of these fake cheat survey sites yesterday when trying to get Clash of Clans  hacks .” While most people are aware of these fakes, since they probably fell for it once, there are still some younger folks that have not fallen for it yet and still have the disappointment coming. – The thing is that almost every gamer falls for it one single time and since there are a lot of new gamers exploring the online game space, there is still some money to be made, sadly. I personally fell for the scam once and from that point on was aware of it and never even considered filling in a survey ever again. Thankyou  Comment question anytime

Get out of gaming addictions

Gaming, like other behavioral addictions, is a habit of thought that is a stimulus/response cycle that happens beyond the awareness of the conscious mind. There are many habits of thought, mostly useful, and they are usually there because it is easier to have an automatic response to a stimulus than to have to think through a problem, if it is a problem you have faced many times before. Addictions are specific kinds of habits of thoughts where the person is using the habit to soothe themselves in a way that never addresses the underlying cause of the need to be soothed. This kind of habit of thought is not so useful because it perpetuates the need for the habit when, if you got rid of the underlying cause, you wouldn’t need the habit. The process for changing a habit of thought, is largely the same, no matter what kind of habit of thought you want to change. Usually people embark on this difficult work because they want to change a habit of thought that causes a behavioral pattern